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Transpersonal Psychology acknowledges the interface between the science of psychology with ancient wisdom traditions, thus bridging both evidence-based research with intuitive, creative, and consciousness-based approaches.
The transpersonal includes the full range of human experience, from what can be considered to take place within the usual ego boundaries and perception to what may take place beyond that.
Transpersonal Psychology was founded in part by Robert Assagioli and Carl Jung, and draws from the “perennial wisdom” of the common underlying themes and principles amidst modern science, ancient wisdom, and the full spectrum of religions. Transpersonal Psychology has sometimes been called the “Fourth Force” of Psychology, following on after psychoanalytic, behavioural, and humanistic psychology.
The following passage is Quoted from the Transpersonal Psychology Interest Group of the Australian Psychological Society:
Transpersonal psychology developed from earlier branches of psychology including psychodynamic, behaviorism, humanistic, existential-phenomenological and cognitive. It also incorporates spiritual dimensions of existence in the scientific study of human beings.
Transpersonal literally means beyond the personal, beyond the ego, to include soul consciousness. Mind, spirituality, and higher states of consciousness are a main focus within transpersonal psychology. Within this context, spirituality refers to a universal dimension that is both transcendent and immanent.
Newer fields of psychology, especially transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology, are taking seriously the holistic notion of human beings as comprising mind, body, and soul. These fields propose that people are spiritual beings living a human life that extends beyond our mundane existence and skin-encapsulated ego-self to include direct experience of the environment and the cosmos. They recognise the importance of integrating spiritual with physical and mental reality, that spirituality is but one part of the whole."
"The psycho-spiritual approach to therapy provides a deeper understanding to the human condition; aiding recovery and helping people grow resilient. Spirituality is increasingly accepted as integral to human psychology, vital for physical and mental health...spirituality is fundamental to human health. The word ‘spirituality’ being so loaded that we often forget that it can simply mean bringing heart and breath back into our work. Science and cognitive intelligence are strong themes for Western psychology, leaving the spiritual line of intelligence somehow lost within its wake. Themes include emphasis on the importance of presence and mindfulness, interdependence and interconnectedness, the integration of light and dark (trauma), becoming integrally informed and reaching our highest potential.
Transpersonal literally means beyond the personal. This does not mean we exclude pre-personal and personal stages of development, but rather focus on a full spectrum model of development. Body-Mind connection and higher states of consciousness are also a focus within transpersonal psychology."

SoulScapes approach to the practice of Transpersonal Psychology is to go beyond the goals of the ego's awareness thus bridging between mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. To assist in the integration of states of consciousness that take one deeper into the potential for self-transcendence, self-realisation, soul-identity, and awakening, and to further integrate these experiences towards the movement through stages of consciousness, wholeness, and optimal holistic human development. To attune to one’s process in such a way that tracks the archetypal and individual movements towards these potentials, including the mind-body reintegration of shadow or disowned aspects of the psyche, whilst at the same time supporting emotional expression and release.
Outcomes of Transpersonal Psychology may include a sense of personal transformation, healing, awakening, and access/shift to a sense of one’s self or worldview at the level of soul or spirit.
Common areas of exploration within a transpersonal psychology framework may include: Life path, life direction, sense of purpose, sense of identity, the journey of individuation, self-actualisation, the quest for meaning, or concerns that are by nature existential/spiritual.